Hi! Welcome for stumbling into my website here!
Purpose of this website:
Well, yeah sure... why did I spend some money, time and effort out of my busy capitalistic lifestyle to create this website that (for now...god willing) doesn't have a sense of purpose or anything tangible to offer.
For now, my objective/vector is to turn this website into my own e-commerce portal. Maybe I have something precious or rare that could be of immense value to someone else.
Through the advent of the internet, all of us humans have now mastered one of the best ways of communication. After all, in order for a business to thrive and thereby increasing productivity which in turns leads to greater prosperity for the overall society; is to be able to connect an individual to as many people as quickly as possible. By rapidly connecting people, the exchange of services, products occurs faster and therefore wealth is generated faster.
Anyways, I have published many pictures that have garnered the attention of millions of viewers, worldwide. For now, this website shall be my online portal, where I showcase my collections of photos and videos. So, just like a street peddler selling arts and crafts in a flea market or on the side of a busy road, I am offering my photos, my unique perspective that has garnered some attention throughout the world for sale. Why not, right?
Photos for purchase and lease
I have honestly decided to create this website to showcase my perspective of the world around me through my lens. I have garnered millions of views through Google and other websites. I have had people ask me how they can view my entire gallery and possibly have a venue to utilize my pictures for their endeavors. Hence this website.
Contact me via email: sundaralingam347@gmail.com if you are interested in my pictures. Cheers!